Male Shibari
For about ten years Shibari/Kinbaku has been my great passion. I first came into contact with this topic while visiting an exposition of the Japanese photographer Nobuyoshi Araki, who showed photos of his bound and tied-up partner (wife). I was intrigued by these pictures, and I soon began my education as rigger with teachers from Europe and Japan.

My participation in a workshop held by Nuria Shurigura has had a significant influence on my work. My studio in Hamburg offers possibilities for bondage photography that are worldwide unique. Here I can fully focus on my model and the ropes. While I’m contemplating my models, the pictures are taken almost as if „on the side“.

It is the perfect unison of my passion for Shibari/Kinbaku with my love for photography. Every picture is the result of an encounter in complete intimacy, with no further assistant or photographer involved. With this method, pictures of great density and intensity can be made.


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