Stefan Miteff

1957: Born in Neustadt a.d. Weinstrasse.

1976-1979: Acting studies in Bochum; German Institute for Puppetry.

1980-1982: Medical studies in Berlin.

SINCE 1989: Working as a freelance visual artist, living and working in Berlin and Bulgaria.


1986: Group exhibition Galerie Bisig, Zurich (Switzerland). Various solo exhibitions in Berlin.

1987: Group exhibition Leonardo da Vinci Museum, Milan (Italy) under the patronage of the Goethe-Institut.

1988: Solo exhibition at Galerie Kunstbüro Anton, Stuttgart. Various solo exhibitions in Berlin.

1989: Solo exhibition Galerie Balazzo Brozzi, Nuremberg.

1990: Solo exhibition Kunstraum Chronicle Head Crash, Berlin-Kreuzberg. Various solo exhibitions.

1991: Free Berlin Art Exhibition FBK, Berlin, Catalog. Group exhibition "Alles Banane", Mousonturm, Frankfurt a.M. Solo exhibition Galerie Querformat, Berlin.

1992: Group exhibition "Das Gelbe vom Geld", Commerzbank Frankfurt a.M., traveling exhibition, catalog. Group exhibition Spazio Dinamico, Turin (Italy), catalog.

1993: Study trips abroad.

1994: Free Berlin Art Exhibition FBK, Berlin, Catalog. Solo exhibition Kaisercenter Löhne, Westphalia. Solo exhibition Mann-o-Meter, Berlin. Group exhibition "Mannsbilder", Luftschutzbunker, Siegen, catalog.

1995: Solo exhibition "Suspekt", Kassel. Solo exhibition PC-Print-Galerie, Munich. Free Berlin Art Exhibition FBK, Berlin, Catalog. Group exhibition "Wasser ist Leben", Foyer Berliner Zeitung, Berlin.

1996: Solo exhibition Galerie Keßeler, Cologne. Solo exhibition "Suspekt", Kassel. Solo exhibition Götz, Göttingen.

1997: Solo exhibition Gnosa, Hamburg.

1998: Solo exhibition Galerie am Kanal, Hamburg. Solo exhibition PC Print – Galerie, Munich. Solo exhibition Glässel, Munich.

1999: Solo exhibition Galerie am Kanal, Hamburg. Solo exhibition Haus a.Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin.

2000: Group exhibition "Ausbrüche", Galerie im Pferdestall, Kulturbrauerei Berlin, catalog.

2004: Solo exhibition EZI (Evangelisches Zentralinstitut), Berlin.

2013: Solo exhibition Galerie KA14 Schöneberger ART 2013.

2016: Opening of the "ArtSpace-Art Prostranstvo" and studios in Braknitsa, Bulgaria with workshop in collaboration with various Bulgarian artists and subsequent group exhibition "Courage".

2016: Group exhibition in the city gallery "Nikola Marinov", Targovishte, Bulgaria.

2017: Solo exhibition in collaboration with Plamen Enev "ArtSpace-Art / Prostranstvo" Braknitsa, Bulgaria. Solo exhibition in Sofia, Bulgaria.

2018: Solo exhibition with room installation "Silence! - Sleeping Beauty sleeps", "ArtSpace-Art / Prostranstvo" Braknitsa, Bulgaria.

2019: Solo exhibition "really?", Exhibition space UNS, Munich.

2020: COVID19 lockdown, marketing through social networks.

Since 2023: Represented by Newman-Agency Berlin.


1. Commissioned work: Design and realization of the first event poster for Christopher Street Day "Show them", Berlin.

1989: Stage design and poster for the German premiere "Die ohne Stimme sind", Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin. Film set design "Der freie Fall der Martha", Director: Peter Finders, dffb.

1990: Film set design "Das Mondkalb", Director: Angela Holtschmidt, dffb.

1993: Image of the first artist telephone card for Deutsche AIDS Hilfe e.V., image "Dedication", limited edition.

1996: Room installation "In the twilight of memory", project: "Water reservoir-history-present-perspectives", Berlin – Prenzlauer Berg.

1998: Room installation "Revival", project: "...and off the post!", Festival of young experimental art, Postfuhramt Berlin. Design and realization of event poster for Mathias Richling "I still have to be Richling".

1999: "Unity and justice and freedom", Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin. Image for Christopher Street Day, Berlin. "Show your colors!"

2000: Design and realization of event poster for Mathias Richling "Richling - The @ntWort", included in Poster Museum Düsseldorf. Image for the documentation of the specialist day "Men as victims of violence", Berlin. Poster for Christopher Street Day, Berlin. "Our diversity attracts".

2001: Design and realization of event poster for Christopher Street Day Berlin. "Berlin stands que(e)r against the right!"


1989: Exhibition documentation on Südwestfunk (SWF).

1990: TV feature on the entire work.

1994: "Love - Sin", Mathias Frings, Vox.

1999: "Gaywatch", Center TV / VOX.

As well as numerous reviews and illustrations in regional, national, and international newspapers and magazines.


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