Norbert Heuler

Born in 1952 in Heidelberg. Living in Berlin since 1971. Studied architecture at the TU.
"Even though I never made photography my profession, it has always been and continues to be an important part of my life. ... My photos arise from the moment, I enjoy observing and photographing what I see. ... My particular interest lies in men, the naked male body, and also my own body, which I have captured in countless portraits and nude photographs since the early 1970s."

Since the early 1980s, numerous publications in gay magazines and publications including posters and brochures for the German AIDS Foundation, including the photos for the first poster of the DAH, 'safe, better, safer Sex', from 1985.
1984 Exhibition with Stefan Miteff at "FlipFlop" Kummer Str. with 'Scratch Photos'
1991 Photo book "Men from Berlin", Bruno Gmünder Verlag
1993 Group exhibition 'Mixed Art', Gallery 'Zone', Kopenhagener Straße
1994 Group exhibition 'Mannsbilder, Art against AIDS' of the AIDS-Hilfe Kreis Siegen-Wittgenstein in Siegen
1995 Group exhibition "Male Nudes" at the Gay Museum
1996 Pictures of the CSD 1980 to 1995, at 'Daneben', Motzstraße 5 in Berlin
1996/10-1977/1 Group exhibition 'SaferSexy' at 'Anderes Ufer', pictures from DAH campaigns
1999 Exhibition "Houseboys" at the Gay Museum, including postcard book self-published
2000/6 Artist for CSD - Outbreaks, Gallery in the Horse Stable at the Kulturbrauerei
Postcard book, Anton Gallery for room-suitable art
2023 Photo book self-published and exhibition "dancing with myself" at the Eisenherz bookstore
2023 Group exhibition 'Tom of Finland Art & Culture Festival', prideART at The Knast
2023 Group exhibition "en face - portrait + portrait" at Semjon Contemporary Berlin
2023 Group exhibition on "My Gay Eye" 20, Eisenherz bookstore


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