Markus Hoffmann-Achenbach

  • Born in Munich
  • Trained as a visual merchandising designer
  • Completed high school through alternative education
  • Studied in Hamburg and Berlin
  • Engaged with psychology, religion, mythology, and history
  • Politically and socially motivated and active
  • Creative work with refugee children
  • Multiple solo and group exhibitions
  • Member of prideART Berlin e.V.

At the heart of my work is the human being. In my paintings and collages, I explore becoming, being, and passing away; imperfection and growth; failure, mistakes, and the weaknesses of being human.

I am a collector of photos, images, and motifs that evoke something in me—ideas, stories, and new images. I tear the motifs from their (original) context, work on the fragments with acrylic paints, and tell new stories with them—my stories.

My paintings and objects are three- or even four-dimensional collages. Time—past, present, and future—is an integral part of my art.

Exhibitions: For many years, solo and group exhibitions in Berlin and throughout Germany.


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