Juan Carlos Di Pane

Plastic artista - Ilustrator

He was born in San Juan (Argentina) in 1971. Since then, he clung to pencils and brushes to feel alive.

A psychologist by profession, he channeled his artistic training in adolescence, in private academies and graduating from a high school of fine arts. In 2002 he settled in Spain, where he graduated as a Master in Illustrated Books and, since then, he channelled all the background collected in psychology and in the plastic arts to impact us with the emotional story told by the characters in his illustrations.

Homoeroticism has become his main proposal. With it, he seeks to break taboos and stereotypes, to go beyond a mere expression of sexuality and sensuality, breaking individual and social molds. His strokes open our minds to a world in which there is room for an endless range of emotions, roles, human needs, skin-mind-spirit dialogues, the shameless desires and the fight for the rights obtained, which we incorrectly believe are guaranteed for good. His nudes... undress us.


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