let me
introduce you...

Ladies and gentlemen, everyone in between, in front of, behind and unique.

Ladies and gentlemen, everyone in between, in front of, behind and unique.

When Andreas suffered a serious stroke of fate (Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS)) and was unable to move his hands or legs from one day to the next and was confined to bed and a wheelchair for months, there was only one thing left for him: the determination to be able to walk again and to use his hands for painting. Nothing can be taken for granted in our lives. We are all hanging by a thread and it can affect anyone from one day to the next. I am inspired by his will and the strength that he musters despite all the difficulties and that is expressed in the creation of his works. Andreas has his studio just a few meters from my gallery. Looking around there and immersing yourself in the world of his colors and lines is like being intoxicated. I invite everyone to come and see this world.

Isah Oral

Andreas Bütow

It was only in 2010 that Andreas Bütow, born in 1960, discovered painting for himself. From then on, it was as if there was no stopping him, it bubbled out of him. The artist combines colors and materials in a vividly unleashed manner. As if in search of something hidden, the ground, the painter repeatedly applies paint to the canvas and other surfaces, only to scrape it off again, paint over it, make it appear and disappear. This creates pictorial worlds that attain a depth and on which the surface again breaks new ground, taking the viewer on a journey whose destination is not yet in sight. on and on ...


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