Silvio Severino

Silvio Severino’s work is a vibrant fusion of surrealism, pop art, and queer expression, spanning mediums from analogue and digital collage to photography, illustration, animation, and film. Known for embracing randomness and chance, his art often takes unexpected directions, reflecting his dynamic creative approach. Thematically, Silvio explores identity, masculinity, consumerism, and contemporary social issues, examining them through a queer lens.

His pieces frequently incorporate a Dadaist influence, challenging norms and embracing playfulness, while also echoing the bold visual style of pop art and album cover design. Silvio’s queer identity weaves through his works in nuanced and overt ways, often presenting masculinity and queerness as complex and fluid rather than confined by traditional stereotypes. His explorations of queer themes engage with visibility, self-expression, and the subtle contradictions of identity, blending personal reflections with broader cultural commentary.

Silvio was born and raised in Brazil, but has spent the last twenty-five years in Europe, he now lives in Cork , Ireland


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