pancho assoluto

1970 Dortmund

2000 - 2004 Special Education, English & American Studies, Home Economics, University of Dortmund

2004 - 2011 Communication design specializing in photography, University of Applied Sciences & Arts, Dortmund

2009 Head of Photo Editing LUUPS Magazine

2011 Art Director LUUPS Magazine

2015 Foundation of Selfiegrafen

2017 Project award from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia Kinder- und Jugendkulturland for the project 'Under my skin'

2017 Work as a lecturer in cultural and political education

2018 Dieter Baacke Prize in the "Intercultural and international projects" category for the 'NeoEnkel' project Prizes with Selfiegrafen & LAG K&M NRW e.v. >> Media Education Prize 2018

2020 British Journal of Photography - Portrait of Britain - Winner

2020 Dieter Baacke Prize category "Intercultural and international projects" for human rights project 'Recht & Würde' Prize with Selfiegrafen & LAG K&M NRW e.V.

2020 UZWEI_Cultural Education at the Dortmunder U >> Media Education Award 2020

2021 Honorable Mention: Portrait in APA, Chromatic Award and Open in FAPA for 'aye'

2021 Founder of Klartext Kultur

2023 Appointed member of the DGPh

Exhibitions excerpt

2012 DE, Potsdam, ae-Galerie, Berlin/Potsdam, 'Calm in the Storm'

2014 DE, Potsdam, ae-Galerie, EMoP - European Month of Photography, Berlin/Potsdam, 'Les Sans-Papiers'

2014 DE, Dortmund 'Dortmunder U', Show-Festival, 'nod - Beyond Eden'

2014 F, Arles, Voies-Off-Festival, 'nod - East Of Eden'

2015 NL, Amsterdam - Pride Photo Awards, Oude Kerke, 'nod - East Of Eden'

2015 HR, Split, Galerija Praktika, 'nod - East Of Eden'

2016 DE, Cologne - Open Studios, group exhibition 'position13'

2016 DE, Gelsenkirchen - Kreativ.Quartier Ückendorf, 'zueinander'

2017 DE, Essen - Institut français 'Les Sans-Papiers' & 'Bendo'

2018 NL, Rotterdam, Galerie Sehnsucht, 'Calm in the storm'

2018 DE, Cologne - Anyway 'My stories - My values'

2019 UK, Glasgow, The Glasgow Gallery of Photography 'Tom'

2020 DE, Unna, Schwankhalle, ZIB 'Life pictures'

2020 DE, Aachen - Adult Education Center Aachen 'EYE_LAND'

2020 DE, Hanover - Lower Saxony Ministry of the Interior and Sport 'EYE_LAND'

2021 DE, Berlin, F3 - Free Space for Photography 'Tender Connections'

2021 DE, Dortmund, re//MATCH, Museum for Art and Cultural History

2021 DE, Potsdam, Einstein Forum, 'EYE_LAND'

2021/22 NL, Amsterdam, Groningen, Maastricht, Assen, The Hague, Weert, Zwolle PRIDE PHOTO AWARD 'LGBT Farmer'

2021/22 DE, Harbke, Saxony-Anhalt Memorials Foundation, Marienborn German Division Memorial 'EYE_LAND'

2021/2022 DE, Dortmund, mondo digitalis, mondo mio!

2022 DE, Berlin, F3 - Free Space for Photography, 'I am [ ]'

2023 DE, Berlin, Newman Agency, 'nod - East of Eden'

2023 DE, Berlin, F3 - Free Space for Photography, 'Flügelkämpfe'

2023 DE, Berlin, Pride Art Intersectional 5.0 'nod - East of Eden'

2023 F, Arles, A State of Consciousness, 'aye'


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