Martin Dieudonné

Self-taught artist Martin Dieudonné navigates his creative journey through projects exploring shared moments, intimacy, atmosphere, desire, and memories – essentially, the connections he shares with others.

«Draw me like one of your French boys» is a project he started in 2020, delving into the personal bonds formed with models and pondering over stereotypes within the Gay community. This live model practice diverges from a typical dating scenario, far from the often explicit seduction codes found in the homosexual community.

His depiction of nudity aims to break down the conventional artist-model relationship, challenging societal taboos related to nudity and desire. Lines, colours, intimacy, spontaneity, and atmosphere are the driving forces behind his artistic exploration.

In this exhibition, you’ll encounter original artworks featuring live models, gathered during his journeys over the years – all part of this unique series, perfect for art enthusiasts looking to appreciate the beauty of human connection through Mar- tin’s lens.


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