Ivan Bubentcov

Ivan Bubentcov born in a small town outside of Moscow where Arts education was discouraged by the Soviet state. Ivan’s childhood talent was nonetheless encouraged by his parents. His primary education included art, graduating from a fine arts high school eventually receiving his degree from Moscow State Art and Industry Academy. The post Soviet years saw much more artistic freedom in Russia and a loosening of taboos related to homosexuality. He began exploring homosexuality in his work, influenced by Tom of Finland & Ettienne. He shared those works only with close friends until he was able to come up with a suitable pseudonym. "Ivan Bubentcov” is a cheeky play on the Russian slang word for testicles so it was the perfect choice. After introducing his work online he found his way to Tumblr and a global audience, helping him to be noticed and published by the likes of “The Advocate” and the Russian magazine “Kvir”.

As the war began Ivan realized that he could not survive in Russia under the laws against homosexual propaganda.He had to flee to the USA, where he is now, continuing to do homoerotic art!


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