Jan Faber als Fabrum

Jan Faber, 32 years old, is a queer artist from Bonn and has been working as an artist and art educator for 12 years. As a student of artist Maf Räderscheidt, he has focused his artistic practice on depicting queer realities, sexual education, and body positivity.

In addition to his work as a workshop leader and art mediator at the Bundeskunsthalle, he is the founder of the workshop series Queer Space, which explores the creative engagement with queer topics. Faber has held numerous solo and group exhibitions in Germany and Belgium, and his works have been published in several magazines and art books.

His guiding principle: "As a queer person, there are countless things in society that bother me. As an artist, I try to draw attention to these issues through my work to make at least a small difference."


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